Princeton Public: Math, Myths, and Inequalities

With the November 7 election concluded and new school board members in place, it seems like a good time to share my thoughts on math education in PPS as a parent of two children who have recently completed K-12 in District schools. During 2014-2016, I undertook an  investigation—including ten Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests… Continue reading Princeton Public: Math, Myths, and Inequalities

Open Letter to Princeton Public Schools

[Update 5/28/2023: As reported on Planet Princeton, PPS has released PREA’s Jan. 3rd, 2023 letter to Superintendent Kelley, the Board, and Ms. Gold.][Update 10/27/2023: As reported on Planet Princeton, Superintendent Kelley has resigned.] Dear Board of Education, Superintendent, and Members of Princeton Regional Education Association (PREA), As an engaged parent within the Princeton Public Schools… Continue reading Open Letter to Princeton Public Schools

Masks in Review

The latest edition of the Cochrane Review meta study on masking and other interventions is, sadly, little more than a rehash of old studies that tells us nothing new about the efficacy of masks. The first version was published in 2006, the fifth version completed in January 2020 (but was held up until Nov. 2020),… Continue reading Masks in Review